Rush Core Values are an integral aspect of our Academy.

Players, Coaches and Staff are asked to learn and live the Core Values to help them become better players and better people.

Be accountable for your actions and hold others accountable for their actions. Who am I ultimately accountable to, and who judges my work?

Seek out advice and aspire to be the best. In order to learn, we must be open to learning and consider the advice of others. Are you coachable?

Empathy is at the core of solid relationships.

Enjoy your work, this is a gift. The desires of diligent workers are satisfied.

Apologize when you make a mistake. Forgive others and do not look back.

Leaders strive to be trustworthy, honest and sincere. They possess traits such as integrity and honor. They are willing to serve others and sacrifice their own interests. Leaders are constructive and hardworking.

Passion always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. Passion never fails.

Respect everyone. Respect the opponent, the rules, your colleagues, your superiors and subordinates. Be thoughtful and considerate.

Our environment is safe. This includes the office, our travels, the fields and our bodies. Safety is not only physical safety from harm, but safety from ridicule and attack. We are comforted and encouraged in the club. We portray self-control and kindness to our staff, our colleagues and players.

To be successful, persevere…. persevere but do not be anxious. Fear no one. Be strong and courageous. Work when no one is looking, even when the circumstances are not right and everyone else quits. Diligence never loses because it never quits. Outwork your opponent, and most importantly, work smart. Don’t wait for external inspiration. The people who go far do so because they motivate themselves and give life their best, regardless of how they feel.